
Use winmerge git bash
Use winmerge git bash

use winmerge git bash use winmerge git bash use winmerge git bash

Hit return to start merge resolution tool (unityyamlmerge): Normal merge conflict for 'Assets/scene.unity': gitconfig: (had to replace the single quotes with escaped double quotes to get it to run)Ĭmd = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Editor/Data/Tools/UnityYAMLMerge.exe' merge -p \"$BASE\" \"$REMOTE\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$MERGED\" Is there a log somewhere so I can try to figure out what is going on? If I launch the yamlmerge tool manually it resolves the conflict, which is just adding a cube and a sphere from two different git clones. I am trying to get the merge tool to work and got as far as git firing it up but it doesnt seem to do anything. I get the following output for my specific scene, but I don't have the scene marked as resolved or anything like that. However, I think there is still a piece of the puzzle I am missing. Unityyamlmerge.args = merge -p -force $base $other $local $output You may want to have the documentation changed for this. "Couldn't locate merge tool to handle extension kxkdf0 in C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Tools\mergespecificfile.txt"ĮDIT: I just realized adding -force to the hgrc file like so fixes it for Mercurial. This causes the following error to appear: For example, if i am trying to merge `scene.unity`, then it will really appear as `scene.unity~other.kxkdf0` Mercurial stores its internal files with what appears to be a random hash at the end of the name. I wanted you to know that tool does not seem to work with Mercurial when it comes to integrating it using the hgrc file.Īn error occurs involving the file extension. I haven't tried your tool in awhile due to not upgrading Unity, but I just did recently.

Use winmerge git bash